TRUCK Mounted Cleaner Descaler
Cleaning of Scale and mineral deposits from truckmount becomes very easy by using RXSOL-41-4148-010 ( TRUCK Mounted Cleaner Descaler ). Routine cleaning and removal of hard water deposits from truckmount heat exchangers, fittings, valves, screens, metering systems, sensors, and water lines etc always be wise deceision. RXSOL-41-4148-010 premium powder formula of specialty ingredients is a for easier and safer cleaning.
Good Advice Apply RXSOL-41-4148-010 on WET surface only, Do not let dry the product on surfaces without rinsing. Every machine is different. Basically, pour liquified descaler ( powder with water premixed ) into the water box. If your truckmount has a bypass orifice remove it and replace the plug or cap on the manifold.
Appearance Colour ...................................... White
Fragrance ...................................................... None
Biodegradability ........................................... Complete
Flash Point .................................................... Non Flammable
Physical State .................................................Powder
With regular use of this quality product, Equipment perfomance can be increased. Its powdered formulation provides easier and safe handling. This product can be classified as a powdered inhibited descaler for removal of hard water deposits. Regular removal of scale deposit prevents blokage of hoses and protects delicate components of truck mount's.
Truck mount descaler
1 Kg can descale 1 TRUCKMOUNT fully. Pl. be note dont forget to order 250ml of Alkali Cleaner RXSOL ORG - 6 , As after descaling ORG-6 plays very important role to neutrailze entire system.
Inhibited descaler powder
WARNING: Avoid to apply on glass, windows and windshield
Also available in LIQUID form.