Reverse Osmosis Chemicals covers full range of RO membrane cleaners and detergents, scale inhibitors and antiscalants, corrosion inhibitors, biocides, antifoulants, de-chlorinators, flocculants and many more. Easily available at Mumbai - Maharastra


Gravel Media 3 to 5 mm
Gravel Media 3 to 5 mm

Gravel Media 10 mm
Gravel Media 10 mm

Gravel Media 20 mm
Gravel Media 20 mm

Biotreat 7210
Biotreat 7210

MembraneClean MC 33 Alkaline RO Cleaner
Membrane cleaner developed to support the cleaning of iron oxides, hydroxides and acid-insoluble sulfates of calcium, barium and strontium as well as calcium fluoride

MembraneGuard MG 11 Silt Remover
Remove organics, silt and other particulate deposits from polyamide, polysulfone and thin film composite membrane surfaces

RO Membrane Clean LOW pH
Low pH cleaner formulated to remove severe calcium carbonate scaling and moderate metal fouling and metal-organic Complexs

Carbon Disulfide
Carbon Disulfide is a clear, colorless to light yellow liquid with an unpleasant, rotten egg odor as a reagent or commercial grade. Pure Carbon Disulfide has a sweet, pleasant odor. It is used to make rayon, cellophane and other chemicals, as a solvent, and a flotation agent.