Electrical motor and machinery parts maintenance and cleaning is very sensitive as such equipments also conatins soft metal parts. We have electrsol Quick Dry, Electrosol Non Flammable, Electrosol Plus and many more grades for shipping industries.

Metal Cleaning Fluid
Metal Clean Fluid is perfect for metal parts cleaning and debinding

Electrosol plus low evaporation rate
Excellent Cleaner for Electric Parts Having super Degreasing power with slow evaporation rate

Electrical Electrosol Cleaner
LOW Evaporation Degreasing electrical equipment.It provides immediate and efficient removal with a high evaporation rate.

Electrosol Quick Dry
Its rapid evaporation rate enables it to be used for cleaning and decreasing of electrical equipment,motor winding etc.

Methylene Chloride
Excellent solvency power to most oily and greasy materials.

Valve Cleaner
Its rapid evaporation rate with super degreasing action enables it to be used for cleaning and degreasing of electrical equipment,motor winding etc.

Vinyl Record Cleaning Solution
Record Cleaning IPA Isopropyl alcohol Solution mixture

Electrosol Quick Dry 30 Kg

Electrosol Quick Dry 5 Ltr