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Product Delivery Locations: 
Mumbai, JNPT, Nhava Seva, Pirpav Jetty, Ballard Pier, Mumbai Port Trust, Butcher Island, ONGC EMR Shed, MIdc, Pune, Maharastra
Hold Solution-22
Generic Name: 
Engine Degreaser chemicals
Specially formulated for cleaning of double bottom, deep and wing tanks etc, used for fuel oils. Also for local cleaning and degreasing of deck and engine rooms, Oil installations, workshops, plant yards, industrial plants as degreaser and cleaner
Product Description: 

SEAKLEANEmulsifier Solvent Degreaser Specially formulated for cleaning of double bottom, deep and wing tanks etc, used for fuel oils. It can also be used for local cleaning and degreasing of deck and engine rooms.  Its strong emulsifying nature completely makes fuel oils miscible with water due to that It's application field increases as strong cleaner for BOILERS , MARINE DIESEL ENGINE COOLING WATER SYSTEM  and for local cleaning and degreasing of engine rooms  on deck. This product is also popular used on oil installations, workshops, plant yards, industrial plants as degreaser and cleaner

RXSOL-20-2027-025 SEA KLEAN is an effective  liquid blend of  modern low toxic, biodegradable solvent, concentrated emulsifier with penetrating agents, mild abrasives and wetting agents which makes this an excellent  liquid scouring cleansers  for cleaning and degreasing action which makes useful for Cargo tank cleaning after drying, semi-drying. And non-drying natural oils and fats. Saponifying and detergents.

Similar familly group of this product is Tankcleaner Plus, Clean break, New ORG, Tank Cleaner. 

Product Application: 

Dosage Chart for Rock and Roll Cleaning

Fuel Oil Viscositry Centistokes at 50°C

RXSOL-20-2027-210 / 1000 Ltsof water



1st Stage

2nd Stage

Over 320 and sludge tanks

1 litre

1 litre

150 - 300

1 litre

0.75 litre

Up to 50

0.5 litre

Physical Properties


Light brown liquid



In g/cm3 at 15°C: 0.9


Flash Point

Above 70 °C



Order No


Size (in litres)

20 , 25 , 35 , 210.

Product Procedure: 
Product Note: 
Product Technical Specification: 

Highly effective concentrated cleaner .
Versatile, can be used for a wide application range ( for TANK or general cleaning .)
Provides quick and thorough emulsifying action.
Can be used for cleaning , gas freeing of double bottom, deep and other fuel oil bunker tanks.
May also be used for cleaning and gas-freeing of crude and refined mineral oil cargo tanks.
It can be used as a general purpose cleaner to remove oil and grease deposits  and cleaning of bilge spaces and engine rooms from soiled surfaces. Can be used for degreasing and cleaning engine cooling water systems

Product pack size: 
Emulsifier Solvent Degreaser available in 20, 25, 50, 210 Ltr Packing at Mumbai, Gandhidham, Chennai - Ennore, Vizag - Gangavram, Kolkata - Haldia, Fujairah - Dubai - Sharjah.
Product alias: 
<p> Engine Degreaser Tank Cleaning Chemicals, Emulsifier Solvent Degreaser 25 Ltr,Seaclean Plus, Sea Clean Plus 25 Ltr</p>

RXSOL Emulsifier Solvent Degreaser - very effective to dissolve heavy grease oil, Carbon etc with water.

SEA KLEAN manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of SEA KLEAN at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of SEA KLEAN in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.


Ship chandling chemicals services in India and UAE,  We are offering services of chemicals Ship chandling in ports of Mumbai, Cochin, Kandla, Goa, Visakhapatnam, Vizag, Chennai, Kolkata, Haldia, Gujurat, Port Blair, Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah etc.We are serving chemicals at all major ports if India and Middle East.

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  • MUMBAI PORT NHAVA SEVASupply can be done within 1 Hour for BPT-Nhava.
  • Mumbai JNPT Ship Chandler50% Discount on every Marine chemical purchase.
  • Largest Marine CHEM SupplierStock Turbha, KANDLA, Vizag, Kolkata, Chennai.
  • Email Price, MSDS, Tech supportmarinechemical @

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