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Pet Coke Remover

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Product Delivery Locations: 
Mumbai, JNPT, Nhava Seva, Pirpav Jetty, Ballard Pier, Mumbai Port Trust, Butcher Island, ONGC EMR Shed, MIdc, Pune, Maharastra
Generic Name: 
Coal Residue cleaning chemicals

Innovative, concentrated liquid product specifically engineered to attack, penetrate and remove Coal Carbon, pet coke, lime deposition

Product Description: 
Pet coke remover supplier and exporter. For cleaning aſter pet coke, oily residues, sulphur, concentrates, specific ore residues, and other difficult cargoes, as well as lighter grease, oil etc RXSOL pet coke cleaner plays a powerful role than other. Our pet coke cleaner is principally based on emulsifiers with neutraliser, as pet coke residues contain heavy oil content and sulphur which is creating an acidic effect on metal surfaces. And causing heavy corrosion on metal, and its ionic effect damaging entire painting layer. 
Product Application: 

• Effectively removes Pet Coke Oily stain  and Carbonesious deposits from cargo holds and tanks.
• Can also be efficiently used as a general purpose cleaner for surrounding area of ship hold.
• Acts quickly and thoroughly.
• Can safely be used on all metals and metal alloys.
• Non–flammable, non–toxic, non–conductive & non–volatile.
• Soluble in seawater and fresh water.
• No known effect on rubber or plastic compounds.
• May be combined with a specific range of other products.
• Cost effective, easy to apply and use.
Product Procedure: 
Product Note: 
Product Technical Specification: 


Pet Coke Remover is a concentrated liquid solution containing powerful surface active agents, a corrosion inhibitor and aqueous chemical agents.
Appearance / Color : Clear, light yellow liquid.
Specific gravity        : 1.1–1.2 gr/cm3 at 20°C
pH                           : 11.5–12.5

Product pack size: 
PET COKE REMOVER available in 5, 10, 25, 35, 50, 220 Ltrs PACKS. Petroleum coke pet coke is a by-product of oil refining, residue which contains heavy OIL. PET COKE remover Ready Stock available at Tuticorin, Ennore - Chennai, Visakhapatnam - Gangavaram, Kolkata - Haldia, Paradip, Mumbai, Fujairah - Dubai, Muscat OMAN
Product alias: 
<p> Petcoke Cleaner, Pet coke Cargo Hold Cleaning, Petcoke cargo hold cleaning chemicals, Ship Cargo Pet Coke Cleaning Detergent</p>

Petcoke cargo hold cleaning chemicals is most suitable cleaner for removing of pet coke form ship cargo hold surface.  

RXSOL CHLORO (Blend of sodium hypochlorite) 220ltr/drum - is efficient and effectively remove stains from pet coke deposited stain, Coal Stain and other Black Ship cargo stains. Pet Coke Remover is a heavy-duty, water-based tank cleaner which is free from nonly phenol ethoxylates or other estrogenic compounds. It is biodegradable and free from hydrocarbon solvents.

Specialized Ship Hold Cleaning chemicals for cargo hold cleaning.

Ship Hold cleaner Effectively Cleans Coal, Green Delayed Petcoke, Calcined Petcoke Sulphur

The hold cleaning process can be made easy by adopting these 3 steps- 
First of all clean entire area by dry sweeping, this will not only helps to get cargo ready fast but also helps to reduce cleaner quantity requirements. 
Then apply chemical cleaner to reacts or neutralised residue content. 
Finally high-pressure water wash will help to get optimum results.
Petroleum coke (petcoke) is a bulk by-product of oil refining, as it is clear its residue contains OIL which is strongly adhered with surfaces. Its cleaning is difficult with ordinary cleaner. Our regular work with such residues given us opportunities to make its cleaning easy without scrubbing. 
Nowadays pet coke is in high demand to use as in form of fuel (e.g. for cement manufacture) or an input to other industrial applications (e.g. smelting). And It is commonly transported at sea in bulk carriers As bulk cargoes after discharge there remain residues in the holds and on the deck which must be cleaned before new cargoes can be loaded. 
For cleaning aſter pet coke, oily residues, sulphur, concentrates, specific ore residues, and other difficult cargoes, as well as lighter grease, oil etc RXSOL pet coke cleaner plays a powerful role than other.
Our pet coke cleaner is principally based on emulsifiers with neutraliser, as pet coke residues contain heavy oil content and sulphur which is creating an acidic effect on metal surfaces. And causing heavy corrosion on metal, and its ionic effect damaging entire painting layer 
Petcoke Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), the classification of petroleum substances according to the EU dangerous goods directive and the GESAMP/EHS  composite list of hazard profiles 2003/2004 all state that petcoke is not considered a hazard to the marine environment. It is also worth noting that, although petroleum coke is described as non-hazardous, there is potential human health effects relating to the small particulate matter within the powder or granules as inhaled (i.e. airborne) dust.
In theory, the dirty wash water is either disposed of at sea or discharged for treatment in land-based reception facilities. 

Petcoke Cargo Hold cleaning chemicals supplier in Mumbai, JNPT, Surat - Hazira, Kandla, Mundra, Sikka, Navlakhi, Goa, Visakhapatanma, VIZAG - Gangavaram, Chennai - Ennore, Kakinada, Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip, Buz Buz. And in Middle East - Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Barka Muscat, Sohar Oman, Canada, Mombasa Kenya


Petcoke cargo hold cleaning chemicals is suitable and most popular in ship cargo vessel.


Pet Coke STAIN removal concept
Coal and petcoke leaves stain,  its removal is important task during hold cleaning operation. Our expert has 2 suggestion for removal of such stain from the surface. 

1st one to use RX Tuff heavy-duty alkaline cleaner, which can apply as an emulsion, need time to take effect and are rinsed away with seawater. More than one application will be needed to remove stubborn stains. 

2nd one solution is much more effective than 1st one step. Here our expert suggests using New ORG on the spotted area where the residue is tightly deposited on the surface. " New ORG -RXSOL-20-2020-025 " this product is specialized to react with oily residue where any alkaline cleaner fails to emulsify. Uses of New ORG  chemicals for stain removal/cleaning principally dissolve and emulsify OIL RESIDUE stain completely which is resulting stain-free surface, Then without flushing with water follow 1st step.

  • MUMBAI PORT NHAVA SEVASupply can be done within 1 Hour for BPT-Nhava.
  • Mumbai JNPT Ship Chandler50% Discount on every Marine chemical purchase.
  • Largest Marine CHEM SupplierStock Turbha, KANDLA, Vizag, Kolkata, Chennai.
  • Email Price, MSDS, Tech supportmarinechemical @

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