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OIL Spill Dispersant Type-II 210 Ltrs

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Product Delivery Locations: 
Mumbai, JNPT, Nhava Seva, Pirpav Jetty, Ballard Pier, Mumbai Port Trust, Butcher Island, ONGC EMR Shed, MIdc, Pune, Maharastra
Generic Name: 
Surface Active Agent based formulation oil spill dispersant with no flash point, non toxic and free from petroleum distillate and soluble in sea or fresh water.use as Type II
Product Description: 

The RXSOL-17-1058-025 is the new, 3rdgeneration dispersant which is the latest water and Surface Active Agent  based formulation oil spill dispersant with no flash point, non toxic and free from petroleum distillate and soluble in sea or fresh water.use as Type II . It can be used concentrated or diluted to a ratio of 1:10 depending on the contamination level. It is an efficient and environmental friendly product containing no hydrocarbons. It has been specifically designed for oil dispersion at sea, it can be applied by spray from booms on work boats, hand sprayers or hoses using an injector.

This product is specially designed for complete emulsification of oil by which subsequent dispersion takes place.

Product Application: 

The Rxsol OIL Spill Dispersant Type II uses non-ionic surfactant formulation with exceptional dispersing strength when applied with agitation can break up oil slicks, grease masses, sludge, general dirt and grime to leave a high clean surface. Suitable for use at sea,docks or in port where petroleum based products are not allowed.
HIGH – EMULSIFICATION rate Converts hydrocarbons particle  in to  very fine emulsions.        Ready to use product. Suitable for Crude  / Bitumen / Residual  / Diesel / Kerosene, White spirit  & Lube oils etc .          Effective  on oil spills at plateform , during loading or discharging of  cargo  or bunkers .              For cleaning of spills on Deck, Ships side, Piers, Wharfs, etc. where allowed .

Product Procedure: 
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Product Technical Specification: 

Product pack size: 
Product alias: 
<p> Envirocleaner Ecosperse , maxi Clean -II / Drew Clean EOSD, Careclean OSD</p>

OIL Spill Dispersant Type-II manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of OIL Spill Dispersant Type-II at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of OIL Spill Dispersant Type-II in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.


Product Price Info

Price Information
  • MUMBAI PORT NHAVA SEVASupply can be done within 1 Hour for BPT-Nhava.
  • Mumbai JNPT Ship Chandler50% Discount on every Marine chemical purchase.
  • Largest Marine CHEM SupplierStock Turbha, KANDLA, Vizag, Kolkata, Chennai.
  • Email Price, MSDS, Tech supportmarinechemical @

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