Oil Paint Thinner (E)
Product Qty Per Unit:
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Product Delivery Locations:
Mumbai, JNPT, Nhava Seva, Pirpav Jetty, Ballard Pier, Mumbai Port Trust, Butcher Island, ONGC EMR Shed, MIdc, Pune, Maharastra
Generic Name:
Easy to apply & simple to control. Exhibits excellent paints thinning properties. 100% active matter. Dries completely. Protects all common metals from corrosive attack. Reduce down time & maintenances costs. Can be used on all metals & most painted surface to remove paints. can be use as Brush Cle
Product Description:
Easy to apply & simple to control. Exhibits excellent paints thinning properties. 100% active matter. Dries completely. Protects all common metals from corrosive attack. Reduce down time & maintenances costs. Can be used on all metals & most painted surface to remove paints.
can be use as Brush Cleaner enamel thinner
Product Application:
Safety: Always were solvent-resistant gloves and splash-guard goggles and keep the room well ventilated when using paint thinner. Avoid Using this thinner in water-based latex paints . ACTIVE MATTER : 100% COMMON NAME : Paint Thinner
Product Procedure:
Product Note:
Product Technical Specification:
Product pack size:
Product alias:
ENAMEL paint thinner, CLEANER 1156