Membrane Cleaner RXSOL- 3304
RO membrane cleaners is specifically designed to remove iron fouling for silica. It also has effectiveness against calcium carbonate scaling. RXSOL-33-3304-025 performance can be enhanced by adding low / high ph cleaners to the cleaning solution although some minor ph correction may be necessary. It should always be used as recommended by the membrane manufacturer or equipment supplier, in respect to cleaning ph and temperature. it also contains organic dispersants that helps to break down colloidal clay deposits and imparts better efficacy to biocides by penetrating into films. it is specifically developed for removing iron, silica, metal silicates, metal oxides/hydroxides and other colloidal/particulate based foulants from ro membranes. It is also effective to remove calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate and silt.
As RXSOL-33-3304-025 is buffered, the cleaning solution will stabilise at pH 3.6.
High level of active substance.
Other Grades of Membrane cleaner :::
MSDS, Technical bulletine of MSDS are available on email request.
Pl. refer our Technical Bulletine and MSDS of Product.
This advanced, high strength formulation available in powder / liquid form
• pH adjusted to 3.0+ 0.5
• Highly effective at ambient temperatures
• Contains no surfactants and is quickly rinsed away
• Contains organic acids, detergent builders and chelating agents
Specialized super-strength RO Reverse Osmosis membrane cleaner for iron and metal oxides.
Membrane Cleaner RXSOL- 3304 manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of Membrane Cleaner RXSOL- 3304 at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of Membrane Cleaner RXSOL- 3304 in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.
Safety Goggles, And Hand Gloves is compoulsery before using this product. And for more details pl. ask MSDS.
Membrane Cleaner RXSOL- 3304 MC3 is a low pH formulation that has been designed specifically to remove metal hydroxides, calcium carbonate and other similar scales from polyamide, polysulfone and thin film, composite membrane surfaces.