Liquid Glucose
Glucose Liquid
Liquid Glucose is a polysaccharide manufactured through chemical synthesis having chemical formula C6H12O6. A clear, colourless or brown viscous liquid, miscible with water. The substance may partly or totally solidify at room temperature and liquefies again when heated to 50 °C
On the basis of the above properties Liquid Glucose is universally used for the production of confectionery products (soft and hard boiled sweets), Fondants and Creams, Jams, Jellies preserves, Bakery products. Caramel and Toffee, yeast, Ice Milk, Meat Industry, Processing Leather ( it gives pliability and weight ) in the chrome process because of its reducing action helping precipitation into the body of the leather. Liquid Glucose of low SO2 content has application in pharmaceutical industry for the production of Liquid formulations. In addition to this it can be used in many industrial products like adhesives, chemicals, dyes and ink, paper, textile and tobacco.
- Liquid Glucose contains Maltose hence resistant to crystallization, this "UNIQUE" property makes it the " UNIVERSAL " Doctor for all practical confectionery products.
- It contributes to body and " mouth appeal ".
It's hygroscopic qualities with non-crystallizing nature helps the finished products in soft condition and shelf life.
Liquid Glucose improves the gloss and clarity of hard candies, jams and Jellies. - Liquid Glucose of high dextrose Equivalent and high solids exhibit moderate osmotic pressure and inhibits microbial spoilage.
- It reduces freezing point of a solution which helps manufacture of Ice Creams and frozen desserts.
- Viscosity of Liquid Glucose is the most important physical Property which depend on density, Dextrose Equivalent and temperature.a
A. Dissolve 0.1 g in 2.5 ml of water R and heat with 2.5 ml of cupri-tartaric solution R. A red precipitate is formed.
B. Dip, for 1 s, a suitable stick with a reactive pad containing glucose-oxidase, peroxidase and a hydrogen-donating substance, such as tetramethylbenzidine, in a 5 g/I solution of the substance to be examined. Observe the colour of the reactive pad; within 60 s the colour changes from yellow to green or blue.
C. It is a clear, colourless or brown viscous liquid, miscible with water. The substance may partly or totally solidify at room temperature and liquefies again when heated to 50 °C.
Liquid Glucose is used in leather products, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, ice creams, bakery products & other food, confectionery, humecants and in crystalization & fermentation.
Liquid Glucose can be used as a, Humectants, Texture enhancer, Stabilizer, Flavour enhancer and as an Adjuncts
Liquid Glucose supplier in
Fujairah, Dubai, Sharjah, Muscat, Oman, Abu Dhabi.
Mumbai, MIDC, Pawana, Turbhe, JNPT, ALIBAG, Nhava Sheva, Thane, Belapur.
Vishakhapatnam, Gangavaram, Pedegentyada.
Chennai, Attipattu, Tuticorin, Ennore
Kolkata, Buz Buz, Haldia, Jangalpur, Howrah.
Kandla, Gandhidham, Mundra, Sikka.
Pharmaceuticals, Food Industries mainly (Chocolate Industries), Tabacco Industries and Leather Industries.