Nitrite Test Kit
::Very simple 3 step procedure ::
Applications and Industries: Industrial process waters, boiler water, cooling waters
Chemistry: Results are expressed in ppm (mg/L) sodium nitrite (NaNO2).
The method is free from glycol interference in samples that contain up to 75% glycol, making it particularly applicable to systems that contain nitrite corrosion inhibitors. Results are expressed as ppm (mg/L) NaNO2.
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TIPS for estimation of Total Dissolved solids in water:
Requirements: Glass and plastic beaker Spirit lamp
Funnel and filter paper Boiling chips
. Filter the sample water.
. Weigh the glass beaker W1 g
. Take 50 mL of sample water in the glass beaker.
. Evaporate the water carefully until the glass beaker becomes dry.
. Cool and weigh the glass beaker with the boiling chips again, W2 g.
Calculation: Total solid (ppm) = (W1 – W2) x 2 x 104 Filterable residue:
. Weigh the empty glass beaker with boiling chips, W1 g.
. Filter the sample water into a plastic beaker.
. Pour 50 mL of filtered water into the glass beaker.
. Evaporate the water carefully until the glass beaker becomes dry.
. Cool and weigh the glass beaker with the boiling chips again, W2 g.
Filterable residue (ppm) (W2 – W1) x 2 x 104
Non-filterable residue (ppm) = total solid – filterable residue.
Nitrite Test Kit manufacturer supplier distributor in Mumbai, Kandla, Kolkata, Vizag, Chennai, India, Fujairah, Dubai UAE, Muscat Oman, Kenya Africa. Get the best quality of Nitrite Test Kit at a competitive price from us. We have ready stock of Nitrite Test Kit in India, UAE Gulf, Oman, Kenya Africa. Contact us for bulk as well as small orders.