MARINE POTABLE WATER TEST KIT Supplier in Mumbai Port, JNPT ( Nhava sheva ) Port, Pirpav, Mormugao Port, Pipavav Port, Daman and Diu.


Problem  :-
Water supplied from shore side or produced on-board may be contaminated with harmful microbial agents and chemical hazards. Potable water is used in various ways on board ships, including direct human consumption, food preparation and sanitation/hygiene activities. Regular monitoring is necessary to ensure safe water quality is maintained at each step in the water transfer chain.
The MLC (Maritime Labour Convention, 2006) and International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) require that seafarers have access to good quality drinking water, which meets health based standards. Test kits should be available on board and used as per the manufacturer’s specifications.

Solution ;-
RX Marine offers the MARINE POTABLE WATER TEST KIT a safe, accurate and affordable method for potable water analysis by the crew.
For testing the water quality, whether supplied to the port or produced on board.

• Precise measurements of pH level, Free/Total Chlorine, Total/E. Coli, HPC & Enterobacteria
• Complements routine water quality measurements
• Easy and safe to use
• Economical
• No need for calibration, no buffer solutions
• Log Book for manual reporting and record keeping
• High deliverability of reagents

We commit you the best quality, huge quantity and fast delivery time. Please find  link to get more details of product like MSDS, Technical specification etc. If you are interested in  our products, please do not hesitate to drop me an Email: marinechemical @ . We would like to assist you immediately. We have ready stock of material available at our various location in Mumbai Port, JNPT ( Nhava sheva ) Port, Pirpav, Mormugao Port, Pipavav Port, Daman and Diu. Contact us ;-

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