Fabric Spot Remover supplier in Bengaluru, Karnataka.

Fabric Spot Remover supplier in Bengaluru, Karnataka.


Fab Soft makes all washables cloth soft and fluffy during laundering . Makes ironing easier and helps to eliminate chafing , static cling . Clothes stay fresh, wear longer and wrinkle less. it can be added at the beginning of the laundry cycle at the same.

Product Description: 

Fab Soft makes all washables cloth soft and fluffy  during laundering . Makes ironing easier and helps to eliminate chafing , static cling . Clothes stay fresh, wear longer and wrinkle less. it can be added at the beginning of the laundry cycle at the same time detergent is dispensed or during the rinse cycle.

Main Feature of FAB SOFT Aids in the elimina­tion of static electricity which stops clinging of clothes to body.

Formulated with perfume, which leaves a pleasant smell on fabric. Fab Soft can be used for most types of fabrics, but is particularly effective on bulked or textured fabrics such as towels. It also imparts a smooth, silky feel on woven or flat knitted fabric.

An environmentally safe yet extremely effective product, this cleaner has been a staple in five-star hotels in the United States and Europe for 15 years. Odorless, non-toxic, non-flammable, non-abrasive and biodegradable, White Wizard thoroughly removes virtually all stains without harming the fabric or surface. Even old stains are treatable and extraordinary results can be seen on carpets, fine fabrics, vinyl, upholstery, floors and car seats. Comes in a set of three 10-ounce containers.

For more information about Fabric Spot Remver Click Here

Also refer our valuable product like:


Blige clean

Ammonia liquor

Membrance cleaner 

Email: marinechemical @ gmail.com


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