Waste Water Treatment Chemical Supplier in Mumbai Port, JNPT ( Nhava sheva ) Port, Pirpav, Mormugao Port, Pipavav Port, Daman and Diu.

Watste Water Treatment Chemical ::::::::::::::

EDTA ::: Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
It is an aminopolycarboxylic acid and a colourless, water-soluble solid. Its conjugate base is ethylenediaminetetraacetate. It is widely used to dissolve limescale. In the textile industry, it prevents metal ion impurities from modifying colors of dyed products. In the pulp and paper industry, EDTA inhibits the ability of metal ions, especially Mn2+, from catalyzing the disproportionation of hydrogen peroxide, which is used in "chlorine-free bleaching".The reduction of water hardness in laundry applications and the dissolution of scale in boilers both rely on EDTA .

Sodium Meta Bisulphate :::::
Many chemical properties of Sodium MetabisulfiteĀ  make it a versatile compound useful in many applications. Bisulfites are used in industries concerned with leather processing, food and beverage processing, gas purification, water treatmentĀ  to remove excess chlorine, textiles and pulp processing, and many others. Sodium Metabisulfite plays an important part in the treatment of water, wastewater and waste as a strong reducing agent. Sodium Metabisulfite also assists in the dechlorination of drinking water as well as in the chlorine removal in waste waters.

Sodium Hypochlorite :::::
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is a compound that can be effectively used for water purification. It is used on a large scale for surface purification, bleaching, odor removal and water disinfection.
Hypochlorite neutralizes sulphur hydrogen gas (SH) and ammonia (NH3). It is also used to detoxify cyanide baths in metal industries. Hypochlorite can be used to prevent algae and shellfish growth in cooling towers. In water treatment, hypochlorite is used to disinfect water. In households, hypochlorite is used frequently for the purification and disinfection of the house.

Sulfamic Acid ::::::
It is frequently used for removing rust and limescale. Sulfamic acid has desirable water descaling properties. Effective Removal of Hard Scale Deposits From Heat Exchanger
Broadly these find use in the chemical and fertilizer industry, dairy and food equipments, brewery equipment, marine equipment, sugar industry etc.

Hydrated Lime :::::::
Hydrated Lime is a highly efficient pH increase agent. It is also used as a primary coagulant for the treatment of industrial waste streams and will contribute to the clarity of the water. In addition, it is suitable for use as sludge stabilizer, as well as sludge conditioner for industrial and domestic waste activated sludge.

Citric Acid :::::::
Citric acid is an excellent chelating agent, binding metals by making them soluble. It is used to remove and discourage the buildup of limescale from boilers and evaporators.It can be used to treat water, which makes it useful in improving the effectiveness of soaps and laundry detergents.

Email: marinechemical @ gmail.com

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