HOLD BRITE Supplier in Mumbai Port, JNPT ( Nhava sheva ) Port, Pirpav, Mormugao Port, Pipavav Port, Daman and Diu.

HOLD BRITE is a heavy duty water-based alkaline cleaner. It works well in hard, soft, ambient and hot water. Ideal for cleaning animal, vegetable oils and fats and mineral oils/petroleum products,  greases, waxes,  sludge, carbon deposits, dirt and grime. Very effective against inert gas soot. Only cleaners registered in Annex10 of IMO’s MEPC.2/Circular can be used and disposed of at sea for cargo tank cleaning, when the cargo residue slops are disposable at sea. Its composition meets the criteria for not being harmful to the marine environment according to MARPOL Annex V. Marine Chemicals is  famous for its chemical products and keeps ready stock available all over major India ports considering the needs of the customers requirement and can deliver all the products in quick and with prompt service.

Email: marinechemical @ gmail.com

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