Cement Remover Supplier in Mumbai, JNPT Port .

Cement Remover Rx Hold is highly concentrated and powerful penetrating agents materials which is effectively react with cement to loosen the bonding strength . Best results can obtain on dry surface of cement.  RXSOL'S R & D  has developed this molecular cement dissolver as an alternative to using hazardous acids for concrete removal. Back-Set is a one-of-a-kind formula. It uses an active ingredient found in sugar cane syrup, and is completely biodegradable.
 Chemically Back-Set converts the positive ions in the hardened matrix into negative ions, which dissolves the cement into mud that can be rinsed away. Because it works chemically, rather than mechanically, Back-Set may be used to remove cured concrete, mortar, grout, and stucco from virtually any surface without harm.

To know the details of Bulk Carrier Hold Cleaning Procedure refer this link. And further support you may contact us on Email :- marinechemical @ gmail.com

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