Micro Biocide Cooling Water Supplier in Mumbai Port, JNPT ( Nhava sheva ) Port, Pirpav, Mormugao Port, Pipavav Port, Daman and Diu.

Marine Chemical is a leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Micro Biocide Cooling Water in BPT Mumbai Port Trust, Nhav Sheva - JNPT, Pirpava Chembur - Maharashtra. Micro Biocide Cooling Water is a high performance non-oxidising micro-biocide that uses the latest chemical technologies for the rapid and effective treatment of cooling water systems. Micro Biocide Cooling Water is a rapid acting micro-biocide developed for use in cooling water systems and is effective against bacteria, algi and fungi. It also penetrate and disperse biofilm slimes making it an ideal cooling water treatment. Micro Biocide Cooling Water has an excellent environmental profile and is readily biodegradable. It is a particularly useful product for air-wash systems and is compatible with all commonly used antifoulants and corrosion inhibitors.

Product Application:
Microbiocide based on Organo sulphur compound, for use in open recircurculating systems.
 * Highly effective
 * Broad spectrum activity
 * Economical and easy to use
 * Compatible with other treatments.

The Biocide/Algaecide is non-oxidising chemical used for control of microbiological problemsin open re-circulating, industrial cooling water system. It should be particularly effective againsta wide variety of algae and bacterial slimes. The circulating water should maintain Microbiological Counts of less than 106 Colony Forming Units (CFU).

Biocide/Algaecide Chemical





pH Value

9.0 ~ 13.0


Sodium dimethyldithiocarbomate – Active Ingredients

> 14% w/w


Disodium ethylenebis (dithiocarbomate) – Active Ingredients

> 14% w/w


Proprietory Blend

> 30 % W/W

Email: marinechemical @ gmail.com

Contact us ;- http://marinechemical.in/contact-us

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