AIR COOLER CLEANING CHEMICAL Supplier in Best price in Mumbai, Maharashtra

AIR COOLER CLEANING CHEMICAL is a concentrated fluid so-lution of fragrant hydrocarbons, incredible surfac-tants, consumption inhibitors and solid emulsifying specialists intended to assault, infiltrate and com-pletely expel mineral oils, oil, ash and different carbonaceous stores from air coolers and tur-bochargers in two and four stroke marine diesel motors.

Carbon Remover Chemical BPT, JNPT, Nhava SHeva, Masjid Bunder, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Carbon Remover Chemical is an extremely powerful dissolvable, depends on two stage definition for the expulsion of carbon stores from Aluminum, its composites and other non different ferrous segments like copper. It is additionally an effective degeasing and paint expelling. Carbon Remover Chemicals/ Chemical is an exceptionally successful dissolvable, depends on two stage plan for the expulsion of carbon stores from Aluminum, its compounds and other non different ferrous parts like copper.

Descaling Liquid Supplier in BPT, JNPT, Nhava SHeva, Masjid Bunder, Mumbai

Descaling Liquid is a simple to utilize corrosive compound for expelling water scale and iron dioxide stores. It is restrained to ensure metal surfaces. An incredible, corrosive based cleanser intended to expel limescale and water recoloring from programmed providing food gear, for example, maching dish and glasswashers. It works by assaulting the soluble earth stores that can be framed on metal surfaces.
